The industry has celebrated the one-year anniversary of the implementation of Subchapter M. Following are a few observations that I have made, and, according to discussions among other people in… Read More

IMX 2019

June 17, 2019

As a WJ subscriber, I took advantage of your most generous offer to attend IMX 2019 at the Dome.  I took my brother-in-law, a fellow retiree from the power generation… Read More

Federal Dredge Fleet

May 19, 2019

This letter to the WJ is to voice concerns as stakeholders and workers on the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway (Tenn-Tom). After dramatic rains and runoff swept down the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway and triggered… Read More

Welcome News

May 19, 2019

I have long appreciated the high quality of WJ illustrations since it became routine to produce them digitally. Your April 22 edition is no exception. The news in that issue was… Read More

Another Missouri River flood, another round of nonsense, not always from the usual suspects. You can always count on Tony Messenger with the St. Louis Post Dispatch to contribute to the nonsense. Read More

I would like to applaud your boldness in publishing such a powerful article as you did on January 21, concerning Kelly Phillips. The entire article showed the unconditional love of… Read More

Letter: Dan Owen

February 15, 2019

As we’ve recently passed the one-year anniversary of my father’s death and the first year of all of the things we’ve had to celebrate without him, I’m trying to wrap… Read More

Letter: ‘Shameless’

February 4, 2019

I read the story of Mr. Phillips, and his journey down the Mississippi River, and his overcoming many hardships that life had dealt him. I enjoyed the narrative, since I too… Read More

Letter: Federal Barge Lines

January 7, 2019

As a former employee of Federal Barge Lines (FBL) from 1972–1979, I very much enjoyed the article by Dan Hubbell in the December 17 issue titled “Federal Barge Lines Helped… Read More

Note: the following letter was sent to U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) and shared with The Waterways Journal. The Olmsted Locks and Dam between Paducah, Ky., and Cairo, Ill.,… Read More