Sean Duffy Big River Coalition administrator and maritime advocate for the Mississippi River Maritime Association issued a statement on May 6 describing the effects of the historic flooding on the river and tributaries this Spring.He told IDR on May 10 The only thing that has changed since this was drafted is that flooding is becoming more of a threat and people must come before the economy but of course they are intimately related. Read More

Ellicott Dredges LLC has introduced a new-design dredge the 860SL Swinging-Dragon. The design includes an 800 hp engine inline marine transmission and 14-inch pump. This dredge and other dredging equipment will be featured at Ellicotts booth number 222 at the Western Dredging Association meeting in Nashville. Read More

The Western Dredging Association (WEDA) Board of Directors at its 2008 Board of Directors Meeting authorized the creation of the WEDA Annual Safety Award to be given to a WEDA member in good standing operating in the organizations jurisdiction throughout the Western Hemisphere. Read More