Auxo Investment Partners, a private equity firm based in Grand Rapids, Mich., announced December 6 that it has acquired M/G Transport Services, a leading dry cargo barge transportation and logistics… Read More

Even though close to 1,500 river miles separate Brandon Road Lock and Dam in Joliet, Ill., from the Gulf of Mexico, waterway operators from the South—particularly those from Texas and… Read More

Two Houston Ship Channel pilots received the 2017 International Maritime Organization (IMO) Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea. The award was presented during the 30th session of the IMO Assembly… Read More

Obituary: James Lee Robinson

December 11, 2017

Capt. James Lee “Jim” Robinson, 75, of Savannah, Tenn., died October 29. A veteran of the U.S. Army, he worked as a towboat captain for Tennessee Valley Towing…. This… Read More