Note: The following is sponsored content provided by Main Iron Works. The September sun was beaming through the skies while the shipbuilders and engineers at the Cenac-owned, Houma-based Main Iron… Read More
Stories on some of the unique and colorful people who populate the barge industry. Human-interest articles on companies and individuals who make a difference in people’s lives, all while keeping the boats and barges moving.
Ninety years after being built as homes for the men who maintained Ohio River Lock and Dam 51, four houses have a new purpose. The four lockmaster houses in Golconda,… Read More
RiverWorks Discovery, the educational outreach program of the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa, has been sponsoring its popular Who Works the Rivers marine industry career discovery… Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Huntsville, Ala.-based Learning Center hosted a floating plant safety course in New Orleans, La., January 30. The Corps (USACE) holds two floating plant safety… Read More
Capt. Larry Barnes and his son were watching a television show about retired professional basketball players when he had an idea. Why not make a television show where retired river… Read More
Each February in The Waterways Journal, we take the opportunity to feature a few of the captains who helm towboats and tugs on the rivers. From harbor boats to line-haul… Read More
Capt. Bo Tucker has worked aboard tugs—primarily in Mobile, Ala.—for the better part of 30 years. Tucker said he actually started out in construction, but he had some uncles and… Read More
Capt. Vince Bradford, captain of the mv. Frank T. Stegbauer, made his way into a career on the inland waterways almost by accident. He was raised in Los Angeles, Calif.,… Read More
Growing up on the banks of the Ohio River in Cloverport, Ky., Harold Newby was around boats, but he didn’t always see them as a career path. “My father always… Read More
From the time he was 8 years old, Capt. Michael “Mike” Coyle knew he wanted to be a riverman. He was going to school in Oakville, Mo., which is just… Read More