OOff-Road Diesel – 60K Gal. To Cyril J. Pehler LLC for $103740 on May 24 2017 by St. Paul Engineer District. W912ES-17-T-0085/ W912ES-17-P-0077. Mechanical Remediation Dredging in the Lower Harbor. Read More

IADC WEBINAR ON THE INSURANCE ACT-DUTY OF FAIR PRESENTATION OF RISK Despite its title this latest webinar from the International Association of Dredging Compa­nies (IADC) is not just for insurance… Read More

ARGENTINA’S PORT OF MAR DEL PLATA EX­PECTS DELAYED DREDGING TO FINISH SOON Port administrator Consorcio Portuario Re­gional de Mar Del Plata expects to “soon” finish delayed dredging at the country’s… Read More

FIRST DREDGING EVER FOR BIG CARLOS PASS For the first time ever Big Carlos Pass in Florida is being dredged. The West Coast Inland Navigation District (WCIND) has contract­ed with… Read More

To help dredgers avoid unexploded ordi­nance (UXO) in the materials they are pulling from submerged lands Aqua Survey has devel­oped the Electromagnetic Pipe Metal Detection Alarm System (EPMPAS). While not… Read More

HYPACK has released the new HYPACK® Sub-bottom Profiling Software designed for the acquisition and processing of sub-bottom profile (SBP) data for use in marine geophysical engi­neering and geotechnical site surveys… Read More

Alphatron Marine has expanded its office in Willemstad Curacao to enable an expan­sion into Central American markets. The new office is located close to the Caribbean Sea making it easily… Read More

Wärtsilä HY Mechanic Wärtsilä has introduced the marine sector’s first hybrid power module that combines en­gines an energy storage system and power elec­tronics with a newly developed energy manage­ment system… Read More