Hawaii and Texas Top List of 20 States and D.C. Adding Construction Jobs Since November 2011 as Delaware and New York Trail; Vermont and Louisiana Led 19 States with Monthly… Read More
Dredging & Marine Construction
The Waterways Journal has been covering dredging and marine construction news on the inland rivers since 1887. Now, with the combined power of IDR (International Dredging Review), we cover this news in greater depth, expanding our coverage to major projects along all US waterways, coastlines and the Great Lakes.
Dennis Wilmsmeyer president of the Inland Rivers Ports and Terminals association writes: We all know the cost effectiveness of barges and that a 15-barge tow carries the same amount of product as 225 rail cars or nearly 1000 trucks in a far safer and less polluting manner. We certainly have the safest most cost-effective and least polluting transportation mode and we proudly share that with others. Why then is it so darn difficult to get ANY money directed toward maintaining or upgrading our locks and dams? Read More
Royal Boskalis Westminster has reconfirmed its intention to make an all-cash voluntary public offer for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares of heavy lift operator Dockwise. The offer will… Read More
Royal Boskalis Westminster has reconfirmed its intention to make an all-cash voluntary public offer for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares of heavy lift operator Dockwise. The offer will… Read More
Highlights of dredging news from 1977 1982 1992 and 2002 Read More
Highlights of dredging news from 1977 1982 1992 and 2002 Read More
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that when the third season of dredging ends in mid-November a total of more than 1.3 million cubic yards of PCB-contaminated sediment contaminated will have been removed from the Hudson River since the project began in 2009. Read More
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that when the third season of dredging ends in mid-November a total of more than 1.3 million cubic yards of PCB-contaminated sediment contaminated will have been removed from the Hudson River since the project began in 2009. Read More
Paraguayans are worried that their favorite resort lake could become a memory as it becomes increasingly choked with contamination and toxic algae. One of the proposed solutions to the problem is to conduct environmental dredging of the lake but leaders in Paraguay are still split about whether this is the most effective method to stop the bacteria. Read More
Paraguayans are worried that their favorite resort lake could become a memory as it becomes increasingly choked with contamination and toxic algae. One of the proposed solutions to the problem is to conduct environmental dredging of the lake but leaders in Paraguay are still split about whether this is the most effective method to stop the bacteria. Read More