At the WEDA conference dinner August 27 the WEDA Environmental Commission chaired by Craig Vogt of Craig Vogt Inc. presented the four 2013 Environmental Excellence Awards in two categories navigational and environmental dredging. Read More
Dredging & Marine Construction
The Waterways Journal has been covering dredging and marine construction news on the inland rivers since 1887. Now, with the combined power of IDR (International Dredging Review), we cover this news in greater depth, expanding our coverage to major projects along all US waterways, coastlines and the Great Lakes.
At the WEDA conference dinner August 27 the WEDA Environmental Commission chaired by Craig Vogt of Craig Vogt Inc. presented the four 2013 Environmental Excellence Awards in two categories navigational and environmental dredging. Read More
About 150 people and 30 exhibitors attended the 33rd Western Dredging Association (WEDA)/ Texas A&M 44th Annual Dredging Seminar in Honolulu Hawaii from August 25 to 28. After opening remarks from WEDA President Robert Wetta of DSC Dredge LLC Col. Gregory Gunter USACE Pacific Division Deputy Commander Hawaii one of the few Corps representatives spoke about the necessity of harbors and navigation which supports every facet of life on the Hawaiian Islands. The budget issues were among the challenges he talked about for the Corps but the focus of the majority of his talk was on transforming the civil works program to be more innovative and collaborative. That means important partnerships with groups that have a common interest in navigation and doing things better at the Corps. The 3-3-3 concept tries to simplify Corps initiative so they are more manageable and more streamlined. Under this rule of three Col. Gunter said studies by the Corps must be completed within three years have a budget under $3 million and go through three levels of review. The Corps has to be ready “to do less with less” Gunter said. Read More
About 150 people and 30 exhibitors attended the 33rd Western Dredging Association (WEDA)/ Texas A&M 44th Annual Dredging Seminar in Honolulu Hawaii from August 25 to 28. After opening remarks from WEDA President Robert Wetta of DSC Dredge LLC Col. Gregory Gunter USACE Pacific Division Deputy Commander Hawaii one of the few Corps representatives spoke about the necessity of harbors and navigation which supports every facet of life on the Hawaiian Islands. The budget issues were among the challenges he talked about for the Corps but the focus of the majority of his talk was on transforming the civil works program to be more innovative and collaborative. That means important partnerships with groups that have a common interest in navigation and doing things better at the Corps. The 3-3-3 concept tries to simplify Corps initiative so they are more manageable and more streamlined. Under this rule of three Col. Gunter said studies by the Corps must be completed within three years have a budget under $3 million and go through three levels of review. The Corps has to be ready “to do less with less” Gunter said. Read More
News items from North America of interest to the dredging community. Read More
News items from North America of interest to the dredging community. Read More
The results of an economic impact report on the benefits of deepening the Mississippi River to 50 feet from its current 45-foot draft were released in August. The Big River Coalition a multi-state maritime trade association and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development commissioned the study by noted economist Tim Ryan PhD. entitled “The Economic Impact of Deepening the Mississippi River to 50 Feet.” Read More
The results of an economic impact report on the benefits of deepening the Mississippi River to 50 feet from its current 45-foot draft were released in August. The Big River Coalition a multi-state maritime trade association and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development commissioned the study by noted economist Tim Ryan PhD. entitled “The Economic Impact of Deepening the Mississippi River to 50 Feet.” Read More
News items from Latin America of interest to the dredging community. Read More
News items from Latin America of interest to the dredging community. Read More