Partrac Celebrates 10 Years

November 27, 2013

Partrac Ltd. celebrated a ten-year anniversary in September. The three founding directors Kevin Black Peter Wilson and Sam Athey started Partrac Ltd. in 2003 and the company now has 22 staff and a warehouse full of the latest marine technology including a number of innovative and unique marine instruments and technologies. Read More

Partrac Celebrates 10 Years

November 27, 2013

Partrac Ltd. celebrated a ten-year anniversary in September. The three founding directors Kevin Black Peter Wilson and Sam Athey started Partrac Ltd. in 2003 and the company now has 22 staff and a warehouse full of the latest marine technology including a number of innovative and unique marine instruments and technologies. Read More

Resource Environmental Solutions LLC announced the approval by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District of a new 867.9- acre wetland and stream mitigation bank serving north and central Louisiana. The Little Eva Mitigation Bank located in Natchitoches Parish Louisiana will establish and maintain 770.5 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands more than 13590 linear feet of stream and nearly 60 acres of riparian buffer habitat. Mitigation credits resulting from restoration efforts within the project area will be used to compensate for unavoidable wetland and stream impacts from permitted project activity in the Red River Drainage Basin. Read More

Resource Environmental Solutions LLC announced the approval by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District of a new 867.9- acre wetland and stream mitigation bank serving north and central Louisiana. The Little Eva Mitigation Bank located in Natchitoches Parish Louisiana will establish and maintain 770.5 acres of bottomland hardwood wetlands more than 13590 linear feet of stream and nearly 60 acres of riparian buffer habitat. Mitigation credits resulting from restoration efforts within the project area will be used to compensate for unavoidable wetland and stream impacts from permitted project activity in the Red River Drainage Basin. Read More

The HYPACK® 2014 USA Training Event will be held in Mobile Alabama January 13 – 16 at the Renaissance Mobile Riverview Plaza Hotel. Hypack  will  introduce  its  latest  software version HYPACK®… Read More

The HYPACK® 2014 USA Training Event will be held in Mobile Alabama January 13 – 16 at the Renaissance Mobile Riverview Plaza Hotel. Hypack  will  introduce  its  latest  software version HYPACK®… Read More

Since 2008 Ricky Dawson of Bluff Creek WAM has been using the Pump Vacuum Systems (PVS) JetPump to mine and separate aggregates from sand in two locations in Louisiana. (See IDR January/February 2008 Jet Pump Drives Portable Unit that Re-Mines Tailings.) Because the sand did not meet the size requirements for concrete or hydraulic fracturing (frac) sand it was stockpiled. Read More

Since 2008 Ricky Dawson of Bluff Creek WAM has been using the Pump Vacuum Systems (PVS) JetPump to mine and separate aggregates from sand in two locations in Louisiana. (See IDR January/February 2008 Jet Pump Drives Portable Unit that Re-Mines Tailings.) Because the sand did not meet the size requirements for concrete or hydraulic fracturing (frac) sand it was stockpiled. Read More