EIVA designed its new wide-sweep ROTV (remotely operated towed vehicle) ScanFish Katria for detecting sub-bottom magnetic anomalies. The platform allows for time-efficient magnetometer surveys as it covers larger survey areas… Read More

EIVA designed its new wide-sweep ROTV (remotely operated towed vehicle) ScanFish Katria for detecting sub-bottom magnetic anomalies. The platform allows for time-efficient magnetometer surveys as it covers larger survey areas… Read More

The new Petrofac JSD 6000 deepwater derrick lay vessel will use Kongsberg to supply and integrate all of the electrical telecom and integrated controls systems. The vessel will be built… Read More

The new Petrofac JSD 6000 deepwater derrick lay vessel will use Kongsberg to supply and integrate all of the electrical telecom and integrated controls systems. The vessel will be built… Read More

Martek Marine launched its iECDIS (electronic chart display and information system) for chart overlays which can provide a better representation of the available data. The charts allow users to superimpose… Read More

Martek Marine launched its iECDIS (electronic chart display and information system) for chart overlays which can provide a better representation of the available data. The charts allow users to superimpose… Read More

After two years of development Teledyne TSS debuted its new family of advanced AHRS (attitude and heading reference system) and INS (inertial navigation and attitude and heading reference systems) at… Read More

After two years of development Teledyne TSS debuted its new family of advanced AHRS (attitude and heading reference system) and INS (inertial navigation and attitude and heading reference systems) at… Read More