Teledyne RESON has established a new training course – the Teledyne Reson Academy to be held at multiple locations. The course offerings include the industry standard two-day SeaBat training targeted… Read More

Teledyne RESON has established a new training course – the Teledyne Reson Academy to be held at multiple locations. The course offerings include the industry standard two-day SeaBat training targeted… Read More

PIANC has released a report from EnviCom Working Group 143 that provides guidance when conducting an initial assessment of the environmental effects of navigation and infrastructure projects. The initial assessment is largely a planning-based activity to… Read More

PIANC has released a report from EnviCom Working Group 143 that provides guidance when conducting an initial assessment of the environmental effects of navigation and infrastructure projects. The initial assessment is largely a planning-based activity to… Read More

Dredge maintenance―and in particular marine engine marine auxiliary engine and marine generator set maintenance―is crucial to ensuring a long life in the water and long-term company viability. Official guidelines for maintenance are often not clear… Read More

Dredge maintenance―and in particular marine engine marine auxiliary engine and marine generator set maintenance―is crucial to ensuring a long life in the water and long-term company viability. Official guidelines for maintenance are often not clear… Read More

The Central Dredging Association (CEDA) will host the CEDA Dredging Days conference November 5 – 6 2015 at Ahoy Rotterdam in the Netherlands in conjunction with Europort 2015. The theme on the conference… Read More

The Central Dredging Association (CEDA) will host the CEDA Dredging Days conference November 5 – 6 2015 at Ahoy Rotterdam in the Netherlands in conjunction with Europort 2015. The theme on the conference… Read More