Last year Brazilian transport officials proudly trumpeted a plan to invest $1.6 billion into port infrastructure over the next decade. It seemed the hardest parts – changing Brazilian law to allow for the investment… Read More

Last year Brazilian transport officials proudly trumpeted a plan to invest $1.6 billion into port infrastructure over the next decade. It seemed the hardest parts – changing Brazilian law to allow for the investment… Read More

BRAZIL Brazilian dredging company LUSCHI has purchased a trailing suction hopper dredge its second dredge purchase of the year. The company purchased a 1330-cubic-meter (about 1740-cubic-yard) dredge named Recreio do Bandeirantes which it redubbed LUSCHI… Read More

BRAZIL Brazilian dredging company LUSCHI has purchased a trailing suction hopper dredge its second dredge purchase of the year. The company purchased a 1330-cubic-meter (about 1740-cubic-yard) dredge named Recreio do Bandeirantes which it redubbed LUSCHI… Read More

The entrance channel of Colombia’s rapidly growing port of Buenaventura is undergoing emergency dredging after sedimentation filled part of the channel much more quickly than expected. Buenaventura Port located near Cali on the southwest corner… Read More

The entrance channel of Colombia’s rapidly growing port of Buenaventura is undergoing emergency dredging after sedimentation filled part of the channel much more quickly than expected. Buenaventura Port located near Cali on the southwest corner… Read More