Cashman Dredging and Marine Contracting Company LLC of Quincy Massachusetts was awarded a $5280242 New England Engineer Division contract for maintenance dredging of part of the Mystic River Federal Navigation Project in Groton and Stonington Connecticut. The state… Read More

Cashman Dredging and Marine Contracting Company LLC of Quincy Massachusetts was awarded a $5280242 New England Engineer Division contract for maintenance dredging of part of the Mystic River Federal Navigation Project in Groton and Stonington Connecticut. The state… Read More


December 8, 2014

Coastline Consulting and Development LLC of Madison Connecticut was awarded a $2242197.50 contract by the New England Engineer District the first week of October for maintenance dredging of part of the Guilford Harbor in Guilford… Read More


December 8, 2014

Coastline Consulting and Development LLC of Madison Connecticut was awarded a $2242197.50 contract by the New England Engineer District the first week of October for maintenance dredging of part of the Guilford Harbor in Guilford… Read More


December 8, 2014

Barrick Gold Corporation of Canada purchased a DSC Wolverine dredge which will be used in Pueblo Viejo the Sanchez Ramirez Province of the Dominican Republic. Barrick has the largest mining operation in the area producing minerals such as… Read More


December 8, 2014

The Standing Committee on the Bidding of Dredging Works and Services received proposals from five companies for the dredging of the Rio de Janeiro Port Complex in October. The single best bid was by… Read More


December 8, 2014

The Standing Committee on the Bidding of Dredging Works and Services received proposals from five companies for the dredging of the Rio de Janeiro Port Complex in October. The single best bid was by… Read More


December 8, 2014

Barrick Gold Corporation of Canada purchased a DSC Wolverine dredge which will be used in Pueblo Viejo the Sanchez Ramirez Province of the Dominican Republic. Barrick has the largest mining operation in the area producing minerals such as… Read More


December 8, 2014

Belgian firm Jan de Nul will widen and deepen the entrance channel to Cartagena Port at a cost of about $30 million according to Colombian paper El Universal. Jan de Nul was one… Read More


December 8, 2014

Belgian firm Jan de Nul will widen and deepen the entrance channel to Cartagena Port at a cost of about $30 million according to Colombian paper El Universal. Jan de Nul was one… Read More