Damen Dredging Equipment delivered a 1200-cubic-meter trailing suction hopper dredge Hondarra designed by Bilbao-based Astilleros de Murueta for CCI Bayonne Pays Basque in France. The hopper dredge includes a trailing pipe system a 3.2-cubic-meter clamshell… Read More

Damen Dredging Equipment delivered a 1200-cubic-meter trailing suction hopper dredge Hondarra designed by Bilbao-based Astilleros de Murueta for CCI Bayonne Pays Basque in France. The hopper dredge includes a trailing pipe system a 3.2-cubic-meter clamshell… Read More

Matag a Nigerian dredging company acquired a dredge from Dragflow to increase its capacity to dredge sand to supply local markets in Onitsha Anambra State Nigeria as well as Asaba Delta State which is… Read More

Matag a Nigerian dredging company acquired a dredge from Dragflow to increase its capacity to dredge sand to supply local markets in Onitsha Anambra State Nigeria as well as Asaba Delta State which is… Read More