Seatools launches its latest product Pile Dredge Tool (PDT) which the company said combines Seatools’ key strengths of subsea equipment development and dredging expertise. This pile cleaning and dredging tool… Read More

Damen supplied two dredge pumps for the 3200-cubic-meter (about 2447-cubic-yard) trailing suction hopper dredge Charlock. One semi-axial dredge pump is fitted on the trailing pipe and the other pump is… Read More

Rose City Yacht Club in Portland Oregon took delivery and startup of a new eight-inch Badger Class dredge from DSC Dredge LLC based in Reserve Louisiana. The Badger dredge was a… Read More

In March Mofatt & Nichol announced the death of Robert D. Nichol the firm’s chairman and former president and chief executive officer. The company said Nichol had guided Moffatt & Nichol… Read More

The Anton Berkenheger Group also called Berky expanded its company with the integra-tion of Senwatec known for its highly special-ized dredges and excavators. The core business of Berkenheger is the… Read More

REDmeters based in Orlando Florida intro-duced a density gauge to measure the density of a slurry in a pipeline ranging from two inches to 42 inches inner diameter. The measurements… Read More

CORPS DREDGE RETURNS TO OCEAN CITY MARYLAND The Corps of Engineers dredge Murden arrived in Ocean City Maryland on April 6 for the semiannual dredging of the ebb shoals near the Inlet and finish… Read More

Oakland Middle Harbor Enhancement Area (MHEA) Alameda County California. To Ahtna Design-Build Inc. for $6690144.34 line items 1 through 7 on September 30 2015 by the San Francisco Engineer District. W912P7-15-C-0020/ W912P7-15-R-0005 FY 16… Read More