Knudsen Systems Inc. (KSI) announced new delivery orders under its multi-year contract with the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Keyport for supply of 320N COTS fathometers and peripheral equipment. Deliverables include 12 320N systems 12 sonar simula-tors and… Read More

In September Brazil’s minister of transports aviation and ports Maurício Quintella announced that the country will invest BRL 100 million ($30.7 million USD) to dredge then reform the port of… Read More

Officials from Colombian port of Barranquilla asked the country’s transport ministry to conduct research on deepening the port’s access canal to 15 meters (about 49.2 feet) Caracol Radio said. René… Read More

Jan De Nul’s subsidiary Sodraco SAS along with French-based Vinci Construction Grands Projets and EMCC formed a $147 million USD consortium to expand the Port of Kingston in Jamaica. According… Read More