Powertrain technology depends on the reliability and robustness of their individual components. These include the gearbox and gear wheels and IDR talked with specialist trans-mission manufacturer C.u. W Keller GmbH… Read More

Registration is open for the 2017 Western Dredging Association (WEDA) Midwest Chapter meeting at the Embassy Suites in Omaha Nebraska from March 8 to 10. All conference attendees should register online. Visit www.westrendredging.org… Read More

In November 2016 Uruguay’s Port Administration Authority ANP signed a deal with Royal IHC (IHC) to build a US$61 million trailing suction hopper dredge (TSHD). The vessel will add to… Read More

In November 2016 the Colombian Army along with the country’s Navy and the Jungle Brigade destroyed five dredges that were illegally used to extract mineral resources from the Caquetá River… Read More