Dredging Begins In Kings Bay
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District have begun operations and maintenance dredging of the Kings Bay Entrance Channel and sections of the inner channel.
The Corps awarded a $15.5 million contract in September to the Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company, LLC, to execute the project. The navy is providing funding for the project. Great Lakes began equipment mobilization during the second week of December, including staging of piping on the beaches.
The project will include the beneficial placement of an estimated 300,000 cubic yards of beach compatible sand on northern portions of Fernandina Beach. The Corps estimates the contractor will also disperse some 900,000 cubic yards of non-beach compatible sand in both an approved near-shore disposal area and an offshore disposal site.
The contract calls for hopper dredging operations to be completed by March 31 and the entire project, including equipment demobilization and any site restoration work that may be necessary, by April 19.
Project updates and progress maps will be available on the Jacksonville District’s website at www.saj.usace.army.mil and on its social media pages – facebook.com/Jacksonville District and twitter.com/JaxStrong.