
Van Oord Scores Two Contracts

Acting on behalf of the Dutch Nature Preservation Society (Natuurmonumenten), Rijkswaterstaat has awarded Van Oord the contract for dredging an extra channel to the south of Marker Wadden.

Dredging the channel will create more space for the underwater capture of silt to restore the environmental and water quality of the Markermeer.

The project includes dredging an additional channel of approximately 900 meters (2952 feet) and using the dredged clay material to fill in two compartments that will become natural habitats. Some of the sand that is dredged will be used to reinforce the southern edge of the first island. Van Oord will offer the remaining sand to any market party or use it for its own purposes. To dredge the channel and fill in the first island of Marker Wadden, Van Oord will deploy its cutter suction dredge Biesbosch.

Van Oord was also awarded a contract by Ankalia Development Consortium for dredging and reclamation works for Phase 1 of the Ankalia Deep Sea Port project which will be the first deepwater port in Georgia. The self-propelled cutter suction dredge Athena will dredge 5 million cubic meters (6.5 million cubic yards) of sand. Van Oord will also install vertical drainage. The port plans to begin operation in December 2020 and become one of the largest ports in the Black Sea region with a handling capacity of up to 10,000 TEU vessels.