Corps Awards Contract for MRL Project
The New Orleans Engineer District awarded a seepage remediation contract worth more than $7 million on February 18 to APC Construction LLC of Harvey, La. The contract was awarded as part of the Mississippi River Levees (MRL) Construction Project. Work will take place in Jefferson, La., just upriver from New Orleans.
The contract was given under the Extending Government Funding and Delivering Emergency Assistance Act, 2022 Emergency Supplemental Funds. Work is estimated to be completed in spring 2026.
The contract consists of hydraulic sheet pile cutoff through the core of the levee to provide flood risk reduction and to remediate seepage. The existing levee crown will be degraded 2 feet below grade to drive sheet piles to elevation of -20 feet. Construction will involve heavy equipment and pile driving. The Corps will work with non-federal sponsors, West Jefferson Levee District and Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority–West during the construction process.
This MRL construction project is a part of the larger Mississippi River and Tributaries project. The mainstem levee system begins at the head of the alluvial valley at Cape Girardeau, Mo., and continues to Venice, La., approximately 10 miles above Head of Passes.