
MRC Announces Low-Water Inspection Trip

The Mississippi River Commission (MRC) has announced the schedule for its 411th low-water inspection trip and public hearings, beginning with a stop at the New Madrid, Mo., riverfront on August 19.

Additional stops include Memphis, Tenn., at Mud Island River Park on August 20; the Lake Village, Ark.,riverfront on August 21; and at Garber Brothers Marine in Berwick, La., on August 23.

At each stop, the Mississippi River Commission will host public hearings aboard the mv. Mississippi from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. At the meetings, which are open to the public, commission members hear from local partners, stakeholders and residents on issues affecting water resources infrastructure throughout the Mississippi river valley, including flood control, the Mississippi River and Tributaries project.

Each meeting will feature a report from Brig. Gen. Kimberly Peeples, president of the Mississippi River Commission and commander of the Mississippi Valley Engineer Division, an update from the local Corps district commander and presentations and comments from stakeholders.

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The Mississippi River Commission, formed in 1879, is made up of seven members, all nominated by the president and vetted by the U.S. Senate. Three members are officers of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, one is from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and three are civilians. Two of the civilian members are civil engineers. The MRC conducts twice annual inspection trips, one in low-water season and the other in high-water season.

For more information, contact the Mississippi River Commission administrative officer by phone at 601-634-5768 or by email at