IRPT Offers New Mobile App
Inland Rivers, Ports & Terminals Inc., has introduced a mobile app to more quickly communicate water transportation information.

The app is available in smartphone stores and is titled IRPT. The association plans to work closely with the U.S. Coast Guard, each of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers districts, regional waterway associations and boat captains to collect information and make it available to users. The information is expected to include navigation notices, scheduled and unscheduled Corps of Engineers maintenance operations on locks and dams as well as any emergency notifications that may arise, according to IRPT. The user may select from various categories for which to receive notifications by enabling push notifications.
Users do not have to be IRPT members to download and use the app but must create a free account and log in to receive notifications.
Other information available on the app includes: history and information about IRPT, a listing of members, IRPT members’ news, career opportunity notifications, a calendar of events, IRPT contact information and access to join IRPT.
Inland Rivers, Ports & Terminals Inc. is a non-profit trade association with more than 300 members nationwide. IRPT advocates for the nation’s inland waterways and the industries and companies that use inland rivers, ports and terminals. To find more about IRPT, download the app or visit
Additionally, IRPT has recently updated its website offerings. The site now includes a terminology page that includes terms and definitions most frequently used in association with maritime transportation along the inland rivers of the United States. The new page is available at