Dredging & Marine Construction

WEDA Accepting Award Applications and Abstracts for the 2020 Dredging Summit & Expo

Western Dredging Association (WEDA) is accepting applications for the 2020 Environmental Excellence Awards. The awards will be announced on June 10 during the WEDA Dredging Summit and Expo in Houston, Texas.

One Environmental Excellence Award will be given in each of the three categories: dredging for navigation; environmental dredging; and mitigation or adaptation to climate change.

The 2020 application process and criteria for the awards can be viewed on the Environmental Awards page of the Dredging Summit & Expo website by clicking here.

To view/print the Application Process and Criteria PDF, click here.

To view previous Environmental Excellence Awards, click here.

Applications should be submitted by March 27 in PDF format to Craig Vogt, chair of WEDA’s Environmental Commission, at Craig@CraigVogt.com.

WEDA is also accepting abstracts for oral presentations, panels and technical sessions for the Dredging Summit. The deadline to submit is January 17 with abstracts accepted online at http://weda2020.exordo.com.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Dredging: The Impacts of Climate Change.” The presentations featured at this conference will be technical papers shared for the advancement of the science and profession of dredging, navigation and marine engineering. Abstracts presenting both practical applications as well as applied research are encouraged.


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