Maritime Throwdown (MTD), the industrial maritime line-handling and line-throwing skills competition, unveiled a new course at its New Orleans regional competition, held December 5 at the International Workboat Show. Built onto a heavy duty flatbed trailer, the new course challenged mariners with authentic line-handling stations that simulated real-world scenarios for mooring and securing barges.
The stakes were high. Maritime Throwdown offered competitors the chance at a sponsor-paid trip to the MTD finals to be held in May 2020 in St. Louis, Mo., at the Inland Marine Expo (IMX). The winning line handler at the 2020 Maritime Throwdown finals will walk away with bragging rights and his or her name etched on MTD’s trophy, a full-size wooden kevel mounted on a Maritime Throwdown-emblazoned block. Not only that, the champion of the MTD finals competition at IMX will win a brand new 4×4 all terrain vehicle (ATV) provided by Inland Marine Service.
The MTD New Orleans regional drew five competitors: Marcus Hinman and Shannon Jaco from Barge Transfer Services; Jordan Brown from Wood Towing; Byron Landry from McKinney; and Brennan Templet from Businelle Towing.

The new MTD course ultimately proved champion over the five competitors. Each had 12 minutes to finish the course, and none of them completed it. Templet and Hinman came the closest by reaching the final station as time expired.
“Our new course is no cake walk, but neither is life on a towboat,” said Kenny Brown, founder of Maritime Throwdown. “It will take passion, pride and practice for the mariner who’ll win our MTD finals at IMX. From deckhands to veteran captains, I can’t wait to see who’s got what it takes to not only compete but to win.”
Mariners will have their next shot at the course May 19, 2020, in St. Louis at IMX with an Upper Mississippi River qualifying competition followed by the finals the next day.
Besides the course, the five competitors also faced off on the Anchored in Muscle (AIM) distance throw. Wood Towing’s Jordan Brown won with a 17-foot toss.
Caption for top photo: Marcus Hinman of Barge Transfer Services. (Photo by Frank McCormack)