
Hard Hat Inventor Celebrates 100 Years Of Safety Innovation

Bullard, a global leader in personal protective equipment, has been celebrating with activities all year to honor the 100th anniversary of the company’s invention of the hard hat.

Headquartered in Cynthiana, Ky., the company invented what it dubbed the Hard Boiled Hat in 1919 and today supplies head protection products to workers worldwide.

A 121-year, fifth-generation, family-owned company, Bullard manufactures safety products for workers in the industrial health and safety and emergency responder markets. The company’s innovative products have protected safety workers worldwide for more than 100 years and include thermal imagers, fire and rescue helmets, head and face protection and respiratory equipment.

“We are proud of the role Bullard has played in revolutionizing the safety industry,” said CEO Wells Bullard. “Our vision to advance human safety to enable long, healthy, productive lives through innovative solutions is our commitment to every customer who chooses a Bullard product. A huge thank you to our most valued customers, employees, distributors and suppliers for supporting us throughout the years and in the future.”

The company is growing and recently added the Bullard Center in Lexington, Ky., where research and development, new product development, marketing, and global shared resources collaborate to develop the next generation of Bullard products and services.