Fox Galvin LLC Expands Offerings To Include Privacy And Data Security
Today, electronically stored information is generated at an unprecedented rate. This is hardly surprising when you consider the increased accessibility and use of digital devices. The same is true on the inland waterways.

Of course, marine facilities have had computer networks interlinking multiple offices and offering data sharing both internally and externally for years. But there was a time in the not so recent past when the only direct communication from a vessel to the shore was via radio. A laptop may have been on the vessel, but it functioned like an expensive ledger book allowing the captain and crew to maintain records for the voyage that would be uploaded when the vessel was docked.
Those are bygone days, as modern vessels have multiple systems that allow access to company and external wireless networks for the purpose of sending and receiving a variety of data in real time–including email, navigation and crewing information.
The advance of technology has many benefits, such as improved efficiency and overhead reduction, all attractive to businesses trying to remain competitive. The result is that companies are sitting on digital troves of valuable information. That includes the personal, financial and medical information of employees, as well as various confidential and proprietary information of customers and clients and the company’s own confidential information.
Much of this information is legally protected from disclosure by state and federal data privacy and protection laws and is routinely handled in response to litigation, governmental information requests and subpoenas. There are individuals who would like nothing more than to profit from the information or to disrupt critical infrastructure.
According to Ryan Mohr, a partner at Fox Galvin LLC in St. Louis, Mo., and a certified expert in cyber issues, it is a myth that any entity is “too small” to be a target. In fact, it’s the opposite; attackers know that smaller entities have fewer resources and often make easier targets.
Many years ago, Fox Galvin added an e-discovery practice to better serve its clients in recognition of the dangers posed by improper handling of information. The practice group is led by Mohr, who holds advanced degrees and is certified for e-discovery by an independent organization.
Continuing its tradition of service to the industry, Fox Galvin has announced the addition of privacy and data security counseling services. A logical extension of services already offered, this area is also led by Mohr, who consults with clients and his partners on a variety of issues including data management and preservation, cyber liability insurance, policy development and breach response.
Of course, prevention is better than mitigation after the fact, so Mohr’s team developed a holistic approach that includes use of cybersecurity and IT consultants to assist with both breach prevention and response, including security auditing.