AGRIServices Sees Barge Increase, Facilty Upgrades

Missouri River to accommodate an increase in barge activity. —photo courtesy of AGRIServices of Brunswick LLC
AGRIServices of Brunswick (Mo.) experienced a slight uptick in barges last year, according to Business Development Manager Lucy Fletcher. In 2017, the company moved 225 barges. The previous year, 214 barges were moved in or out of the facility, which will see upgrades this year.
Fletcher said the terminal moved just eight barges 10 years ago. She credits the increase in barges on the Missouri River to the river’s self-scouring channel. “Many of us on the Missouri River feel fortunate to not be dealing with the infrastructure issues, such as deferred maintenance and maintenance dredging requirements that so many other river systems are facing,” she said. “We continue to see additional ports developing on the river.”
Doug Bonderer updated an audience on the terminal’s recent successes at the Missouri River Navigators meeting in Kansas City, Mo., February 14.
In his presentation, Bonderer said that AGRIServices is now certified to receive and handle organic product, which makes it the only terminal on the Missouri River to have met that industry requirement.
Bonderer also noted that this year, the facility will see several upgrades to increase its handling capabilities. Upgrades include storage for up to 75,000 bushels, a shipping conveyor for up to 30,000 bushels per hour, a receiving conveyor for up to 20,000 bushels per hour, an updated barge loading spout, operational improvements and additional conveying upgrades.
AGRIServices operates the Brunswick River Terminal at Mile 256 of the Missouri River. The Brunswick River Terminal is a fully intermodal facility and port. The company handles grain, fertilizer, sand, coal slag and dried distiller grains, and has additional space, handling equipment and amenities to suit customers and tenants needing to store, import or export bulk commodities or oversized cargo.