Savannah Harbor Project Reaches Halfway Point
At the end of February, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District marked the end of the deepening Savannah Harbor entrance channel. This $134 million leg of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) deepened the entrance channel of the harbor and extended it an additional 7 miles into the Atlantic Ocean. This marks the halfway point for the overall project. Great Lakes Dock and Dredge performed the dredging, removing around 12 million cubic yards. The project started in September 2015, and the Corps said the project will wrap in March, ahead of schedule and under budget.

“The completion of entrance channel dredging is perhaps the most significant milestone to date for the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project,” Col. Marvin Griffin, Commander of the Savannah District, said. “As of today, approximately half of the Savannah harbor’s 40-mile channel is deepened and better equipped to handle post-Panamax vessels.
The overall $973 million project will deepen the harbor from 42 to 47 feet, and is expected to be completed in 2022.