Business and Finance

Ellicott Awarded New Dredge Contracts


The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation ordered an Ellicott 860SL Swinging Dragon dredge.

Ellicott Dredges was recently awarded two government contracts for two new dredges. 

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has requested an Ellicott 860SL Swinging Dragon® dredge and support boat to be used to deepen the Colorado River to restore water flow.  

860SL Swinging Ladder Dredge has a maximum dredging depth of 30 feet a discharge pipe diameter of 14 inches and its total installed power is 800 HP. 

Barnstable County Massachusetts also ordered a 14-inch Bay Dragon® portable cutter suction dredge. The county will use the dredge for maintenance of small harbors and inlets and beneficial use of the dredged materials for beach nourishment. 

The Bay Dragon dredge has a maximum digging depth of 40 feet a pump diameter of 14 inches and overall installed power of 850 HP. The dredge also comes with a newly designed hydraulic system that reduces power and fuel consumption by about ten percent and increases operating efficiency by 20 percent. In addition the County requested an integrated spud carriage a raked bow and tow points for low-drag towing and that the dredge be constructed so that the county’s crane could launch it.