On April 20 Cashman Dredging and Marine Contracting Company was awarded a $3.4 million contract by the New England Engineer District to perform maintenance dredging of the Beals Harbor and Pig Island Gut Federal Navigation Projects.
Pig island Gut in Beals is the narrow passage between Pig island and Great Wass Island about one mile southeast of Jonesport and 30 miles east of Bar Harbor Maine. Beals Harbors known locally as Barneys Cove is located on the north-western side of Beals Island along Moosabec Reach opposite Jonesport and about 38 miles southwest of Eastport Maine.
Project Manager Jack Karalius of the New England District said of the Pig Island Gut project “Work consists of mechanically dredging approximately 100000 cubic yards of clay silt and sand with unconfined disposal at the Mark Island Disposal Site about 5 miles away.”
The Beals Harbor work consists of dredging about 83000 cubic yards from the 10-foot anchorage in Beals Harbor about 800 by 500 feet in area and about 17000 cubic yards from shoaled portions of the Pig Island Gut 6-foot channel which is 80 feet wide and shoaled portions of the 6-foot anchorage. The dredging work window is November 8 through April 8 2017.