
Corps Receives Funding for Charleston Deepening Study

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said the deepening of the Port of Charleston took a huge step forward today when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released its Work Plan for the rest of Fiscal Year 2011 and included $150000 to begin the Charleston Harbor deepening study.

Graham made the announcement in a conference call with Sixth District Congressman James E. Clyburn and First District Congressman Tim Scott.

“This is a very good day for the Port of Charleston” said Graham. “Today’s announcement is an important first step in a long journey. I truly appreciate the help the Vice President has provided in this effort. I appreciate the work of the South Carolina delegation in making this happen. I also want to thank Senator Alexander Senator Reid Senator McConnell Senator Feinstein and their respective staffs for the assistance they provided in this effort. This has truly been a bipartisan effort in the Senate. Before today we were literally out of the game and there was a real concern we would fall another year behind. Now we’re back in the game.”

Graham noted the major impact of the announcement is that it allows the South Carolina Ports Authority (SCPA) to enter into a legal partnership with the federal government (U.S. Army Corp of Engineers) to share the future costs of harbor deepening. The agreement between the SCPA and the Army Corps is expected to be signed in the coming days.