Port Hueneme CAD Project Wins AAPA Award
The American Association of Port Authorities has presented the 2009 Facilities Engineering Award of Excellence to the Port Hueneme California Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD) site.
Anchor QEA provided environmental review permitting support design construction document development and construction support for the Southern California CAD facility.
The award was announced at the AAPA annual meeting in Galveston on October 30.
The CAD site is a combined effort of the Oxnard Harbor District the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) who designed and built the regional sediment management solution together. Port Hueneme is also the first CAD facility to be successfully permitted and constructed in California and is one of only a handful in the U.S. built for the sole purpose of harbor-wide sediment management.
The 15-meter-deep CAD facility was created by dredging 500000 cubic meters of material which was beneficially reused as beach nourishment at the nearby Hueneme Beach. Once excavated the CAD was filled with 330000 cubic meters of contaminated sediment from Port Hueneme and capped with three meters of non-contaminated navigational dredged material.
An additional one-meter thickness of armor rock was placed over a portion of the CAD to protect against propeller wash.
The 28-inch cutter dredge H.R. Morris was doing maintenance dredging in the Channel Islands channel when a change order was issued allowing the equipment to interrupt that job to do the Port Hueneme project.
Max Oviedo is project engineer Fred Franks is the dredge captain and operators were Tom Souza Bud Milles and Roy Brown.
Larry Hall was field superintendent and beach fill manager.
Pumping to the beach was through 4000 to 5000 feet of line and material was managed on the beach using two B-8 dozers and a loader.
The time schedule for the project was:
December 15 2008 – January 23 2009: The H.R. Morris leaves Channel Islands to excavate 500000 cubic yards from the CAD and place beach fill;
February 4 – May 4: dredge contaminated sediment and place in CAD using the clamshell dredge Vulcan and split hull hopper barges;
May 5 – June 13: the Morris dredges capping material from the navigation channels;
June 13 – July 15: 32000 tons of armor rock is placed on top of the cap.