
ASCE to Announce Infrastructure Report Card on Wednesday January 28

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) will release its 2009 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure on Wednesday January 28 – almost two months early.

It is anticipated that the assessment in the report card issued every four years will be low and that the organization will urge Congress to vote in favor of the stimulus funding on Wednesday.

According to an ASCE news release “with Congress and new President Obama working quickly on a stimulus package moving up announcement of the grades and suggested funding needs will help give the Report Card maximum impact.”
The report was originally scheduled to be released at the end of March.

In another news release the Society reported: “In its 2005 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure ASCE assigned our nation’s infrastructure an overall grade of D and estimated that $1.6 trillion is needed over a five-year period to bring the nation’s infrastructure up to a good condition. Establishing a long-term development and maintenance plan must become a national priority. But in the short term small steps can be taken by the 110th Congress to begin improving our infrastructure.”

“With each passing day aging and overburdened infrastructure threatens the economy and quality of life in every state city and town in the nation.”

Detailed information on individual projects can be found on the organization’s web site: www.asce.org