Conference to Showcase Dredging Technology Development in China
Promoting the beneficial uses of dredged material saving natural resources and promoting environmental protection is the theme of the Third International Congress for Dredging Technology in China slated for November 18 and 19 2008 in Tianjin China.
The event is jointly organized by Eastern Dredging Association (EADA) and China Dredging Association (CHIDA) who are members of the World Organization of Dredging Associations (WODA). The on-site host is CCCC Tianjin Dredging Co. Ltd. who will be selecting the congress hotel and showcasing the sites selected for the technical visit day.
The first day will feature presentations of papers in English and Chinese with concurrent translation.
Topics will include beneficial uses of dredged material; physical chemical and engineering properties of dredged material; harnessing benefits from the use of dredged materials; policies and regulations and international laws. Evaluation of environmental impacts investment and return analysis both economical and social and monitoring results will round out the presentations.
Technical visits will be made to Tianjin Binhai (New Coastal District) Tianjin Artificial Island and Tianjin Container Terminal.
Tianjin Binhai or Tianjin New Coastal District (TCND) includes three function zones: Tianjin Port Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area and Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone. The geographic location rich in natural resources contains a concentration of science and technology talents. The Tianjin artificial island will reclaim a 33.5-square-kilometer plot of land. Two hundred fifty eight million cubic meters of dredged material will be involved. When complete in 2009 the island will function as a cargo harbor and logistics service and processing center.
The Tianjin Container Terminal is managed by the Tianjin Port Authority. It is the ocean gateway to the capital city of Beijing.
Additional information can be found at