
WEDA Pacific Chapter Issues 2008 Call for Papers

On April 10 the Pacific Chapter released notice and call for papers for their 2008 meeting to be held Wednesday November 5 through Friday November 7 2008 at the Mayflower Park Hotel in Seattle.

Presentations on all aspects of dredging and disposal navigation structures environmental restoration and related topics are welcome and may be sent to Allen Churchill at e.allen.churchill@usace.army.mil. The deadline for submission of abstracts is July 31.
The agenda for the meeteing is: Wednesday session: Corps/Industry Meeting from 1-3 p.m.; 2009 Federal Dredging Program presentation from 3-5 p.m. hosted ice breaker 6 to 9 p.m.

Thursday’s agenda will consist of technical presentations and a luncheon program followed by a field trip.
Friday morning will continue with technical presentations and conclude with chapter business about noon.

Book hotel reservations prior to October 16 2008 for the special WEDA Pacific Chapter group rate: $165 per night. Hotel phone is 206-623-8700 or 800-426-5100. Some rooms are also available at the government per diem rate. Room rates will be available three days prior to and three days after the conference based on space availability.

The historic Mayflower Park Hotel is steps away from Seattle’s Pike Place Market Seattle Waterfront and Space Needle plus a full array of museums theaters shops and restaurants.